Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Lights...Camera...Now What??

The decision to sell has been made! Time to pack up, spruce up, get up and go! Piece of cake, right? Okay, a really big piece of cake, but I can offer tips to make the process go a bit more smoothly, while helping you and your family to survive the adventure with your sanity (mostly) intact.

The biggest challenge most of us face when preparing to move is dealing with all the stuff we've accumulated. It's no secret that a house needs to be clean, clean, clean in order to show well to prospective buyers, but how can you clean it if you can't actually see it? Clutter (aka: stuff) is usually the biggest obstacle to overcome, but if you are committed to your goal and accept that you have to break it down into manageable tasks if you are to succeed, you're well on your way to successful de-cluttering! The key is to take small bites...