Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Surf's Up!

The internet offers a veritable feast of sites devoted to decluttering--just Google "decluttering tips" and you will be provided with pages of links (some are included below) that will offer you tried and true methods for attacking this most important task! I'm not going to reinvent the wheel, so I'll leave you to choose the site that offers the best style for you. The main point is to get on track, stay on track, and remember that this is all for a good cause--The Successful and Timely Sale of Your Home!

You may notice after perusing a few of these sites that they all have a few things in common:
  • if you don't love it, need it, use it or feed it: get rid of it

  • play your favorite music as you work to keep energy levels high

  • use a timer so you don't get discouraged or burn out

and don't forget:

  • Keep your eyes on the prize: S-O-L-D!

From 101

Real Simple magazine is chock-full of decluttering and organizing tips

FlyLady offers various strategies for long-term decluttering; start here and see how much progress you can make--you'll be amazed!